Purpose, Scope, Basis, and Definitions
Article 1 – (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the objectives, fields of activity, management bodies, duties of management bodies, and working procedures of the Next Generation Entrepreneurship and Innovation Application and Research Center of Istanbul Gelişim University.
Article 2 – (1) This Regulation covers provisions regarding the objectives, fields of activity, management bodies, duties of management bodies, and working procedures of the Next Generation Entrepreneurship and Innovation Application and Research Center of Istanbul Gelişim University.
Article 3 – (1) This Regulation has been prepared based on Subparagraph (2) of Paragraph (d) of Article 7 and Article 14 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4/11/1981.
Article 4 – (1) The terms used in this Regulation are defined as follows:
a) Advisory Board: Refers to the Advisory Board of the Center.
b) Center: Refers to the Next Generation Entrepreneurship and Innovation Application and Research Center of Istanbul Gelişim University.
c) Director: Refers to the Director of the Center.
ç) Rector: Refers to the Rector of Istanbul Gelişim University.
d) University: Refers to Istanbul Gelişim University.
e) Administrative Board: Refers to the Administrative Board of the Center.
Objectives and Fields of Activity of the Center
Objective of the Center
Article 5 – (1) The objective of the Center is to contribute to societal development by fostering collaboration between the University and the business world, enabling faculty members, students, and individuals with entrepreneurial qualities to develop and diversify their knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship topics, with a focus on innovation and creativity. This is achieved through global approaches and by creating an innovative and participatory structure that facilitates interdisciplinary studies, publications, and projects involving academicians, students, and practitioners.
Fields of Activity of the Center
Article 6 – (1) The fields of activity of the Center are as follows:
a) Examine the conditions and principles necessary for entrepreneurship development in Turkey, identify issues, and propose solutions.
b) Establish a specialized library, archive, and case database related to entrepreneurship and innovation in Turkey.
c) Collaborate academically with domestic and international institutions working on entrepreneurship and innovation.
ç) Conduct creative and innovative research and application studies and publish in the field of entrepreneurship.
d) Provide training and consultancy support to entrepreneurial candidates to enhance their skills and knowledge, thereby increasing their chances of success and promoting entrepreneurship.
e) Encourage students, academic staff, and entrepreneurs in entrepreneurship and equip them with the necessary skills to establish successful businesses.
f) Gather recommendations to foster entrepreneurship by collaborating with local and regional institutions and implementing suitable models and programs.
g) Organize professional services and training programs, including certification, by bringing together academic communities, the business world, and administrative institutions.
Management Bodies and Their Duties
Management Bodies of the Center
Article 7 – (1) The management bodies of the Center are as follows:
a) Director.
b) Administrative Board.
c) Advisory Board.
Article 8 – (1) The Director is appointed by the Rector from among the full-time academic staff of the University for a term of three years. The Director may be reappointed. The Director is responsible to the Rector for the orderly execution and development of the Center's activities.
Duties of the Director
Article 9 – (1) The duties of the Director are as follows:
a) Represent the Center.
b) Chair the Administrative and Advisory Boards.
c) Ensure the orderly execution and development of the Center’s activities.
ç) Implement the decisions of the Administrative Board.
d) Call Administrative Board meetings, prepare agendas, and preside over the meetings.
e) Collaborate with domestic and international institutions engaged in similar activities.
f) Call Advisory Board meetings when necessary, prepare agendas, and preside over them.
g) Prepare the Center’s annual activity report and work program for the following year and submit them to the Rectorate.
Administrative Board
Article 10 – (1) The Administrative Board consists of five members, including the Director and four academic staff members appointed by the Rector for three years. Members may be reappointed.
(2) The Administrative Board meets at least once a month.
Duties of the Administrative Board
Article 11 – (1) The duties of the Administrative Board are as follows:
a) Prepare and execute the Center’s work program.
b) Prepare the Center’s annual activity report.
c) Select academic staff to be assigned to scientific study groups within the Center and submit their appointments for the Rector's approval.
ç) Evaluate proposals for research and application projects, courses, and similar activities, and identify the individuals, institutions, and University units to be involved.
d) Define collaboration principles with external national and international institutions, prepare protocol drafts, and submit them to the Rectorate.
e) Select administrative and technical personnel for the Center and submit their appointments for the Rector's approval.
Advisory Board
Article 12 – (1) The Advisory Board, chaired by the Director, consists of up to ten members who have conducted or are conducting studies related to the objectives of the Center. Members are appointed by the Rector for three years upon the Director's recommendation. Members may be selected from within or outside the University.
(2) The Advisory Board meets on a date determined by the Director as deemed necessary by the Administrative Board.
Duties of the Advisory Board
Article 13 – (1) The duties of the Advisory Board are as follows:
a) Evaluate the Center’s activities and provide recommendations.
b) Conduct studies to facilitate collaboration with relevant institutions and organizations and make recommendations in the field of entrepreneurship.
c) Promote entrepreneurship culture by organizing events that bring together sector representatives and entrepreneurs.
Final Provisions
Article 14 – (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication.
Article 15 – (1) The Rector of Istanbul Gelişim University shall execute the provisions of this Regulation.